There is undoubtedly an argument to be made that posting daily will allow you to hone your craft more quickly and enable you to improve your content creation skills exponentially. Therefore, at the very start of your food content creation journey it’s worth posting as often as you can to find your style and discover what resonates with your growing audience.
However, what years on Instagram have taught me, is that in the long term, the quality of your food content can suffer tremendously if you’re feeling exhausted and stressed. I’d therefore recommend finding a consistent posting schedule that’s sustainable and enjoyable even if this means fewer weekly posts. What exactly that sweet spot in your posting schedule is, depends on what works for you, but a good number to aim for is roughly 3 posts a week!
A final note…..
….on quality and quantity. Quality is relative and what you deem not ‘good enough’ might in fact be what your audience will end up loving most! Hence, I’d recommend being playful with your food content and giving yourself grace as you dial in on your voice and style. Then, when you’ve found your rhythm and have learned what your audience loves, only post the content you’re proudest of!